Auto tech jobs and opportunities
There will always be a demand for hardworking, qualified auto technicians. Job stability is one reason to consider the mobile air climate systems industry as a career choice. Young people graduating high school can enter a vocational school to learn the skills they need. The mobile A/C industry may also be an option for adults who desire a career change.
Auto tech jobs are perfect for people who thrive on troubleshooting and solving problems. Auto technicians can choose to work in a vehicle repair shop or travel to job sites to work on heavy-duty, off-road equipment.
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Industry Jobs
Auto Technician
Spanial’s Service Center | Hatfield, PA
Looking for a technician to diagnose & work on vehicles (not a service writer). Mon-Friday 7:30 AM-5 PM with one half day during the week & alternating Saturdays 8 AM-3 PM…
Mobile A/C Technician
Marks Air | Tampa, FL
Air conditioning mechanic specializing in mobile HVAC service, repairs, and installation. ASE, MACS, & EPA 609 (for the safe removal of R-134a refrigerant) Certifications will be required after training. 608 Certification…
An Example Job
Blue Door Consulting | Oshkosh, WI
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis…